A Covenant for Religious Community
The Vision and Mission Statements of Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church.
A Covenant for Religious Community
We come together to celebrate life, to serve others, and to create a beloved community.
We celebrate the beauty of creation, and the joy of being together in all our diversity, with gratitude for the bounty which surrounds us. We seek knowledge about our surroundings and heritage, and honor prophets, personal experiences, and research which further our understanding.
We pledge as individuals and as a religious community to generously share our talents and resources and to work toward a better world for all, free of personal and systemic inequities, while living in harmony with the natural world.
We embrace the goal of beloved community: friends and neighbors of diverse backgrounds, coming together in an interdependent relationship of love, kindness, respect, and care, facilitating equity and justice locally and around the world.
Created by Carolyn Hayek
Note: This covenant is not formally adopted by any known organization. It was created by Carolyn Hayek to expand upon the goals and intentions stated in the mission and vision statements of Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church and to reflect the values she observes in members of her UU congregation. Members of Unitarian Universalist churches do not subscribe to a particular creed, but congregations do have expectations regarding the conduct of their members, which may or may not be explicitly stated. Feel free to share and use this covenant wherever you find it useful. You may also want to use some of the chalice lighting words and chalice extinguishing words found on this website.